Q&A about Dance Horizons' Teams!

Clubs Week is approaching, and Dance Horizons is excited to kickstart the 2020/2021 season for our teams! If you missed the Teams Q&A with our captains last Monday and are interested to learn more about our teams, here is a recap of the event.

General Questions:

What’s the difference between being on a team vs. having a DH membership?

You must have a DH membership in order to join any of our teams. Our membership costs $20 this year and a $5 fee will be added on top of that for each team you join, per term. Having DH membership gives you anytime access to our live-streamed workshop videos, classes led by professional teachers, and exclusive member-only content, as well as discounts to various dance studios!

Is there a Mid-Year Show?

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we cannot host our usual biannual shows; however, all teams will still provide many opportunities to showcase their members and growth throughout the terms.

Can I join more than one team? 

Yes! However, please note that there are some restrictions for joining more than one audition-based DH team; please scroll to “Audition-based teams” to learn more!

Help! How can I balance school, work and dance?

TIME MANAGEMENT! There is no way around it. If you want to improve in dance while also excelling in school, you must organize your time well and set aside practice time for dance. For asynchronous team practices, we highly recommend setting specific times each week to complete the modules and just focus on dancing. 

Open-level teams:


What does DHC stand for?

Dance Horizons Crew

Do I have to audition?

Our team is open-level and does not require auditions.

Are new people allowed to join in second term?

Yes, DHC has 2 sessions each year. One in the fall (term 1) and one in the spring (term 2). We accept new and returning members during both sessions. 

How does this team work with online formatting?

DHC will look a little different this year. We are offering our program in the form of weekly modules each term. Each module will contain a selection of videos including grooves, combos, choreography etc. We plan to check in on each member's progress through critic sessions and online DHC community events. 

What are you working towards? What are the end goals of the modules?

Our modules contain a variety of fundamental Hip-Hop movements that help build a strong foundation in dance, while also being fun and easy to learn. 

Are you going to be doing any socials with the other members?

Yes! We have many online DHC community events planned for bonding and community building. Members will also be divided into groups after commitment week to learn and grow together, and possibly compete side by side in some friendly competitions, based on the number of videos completed. 


How do DHCo practices work with COVID-19?

DHCo practices will be completely online this year, meeting through Zoom. We plan to rehearse Saturdays from 11am-2pm PST, but everyone is welcome to join the team regardless of their current location in the world!

Are there any opportunities for in-person meeting?

With the uncertainties that come with the current pandemic, we currently cannot foresee a chance for the team to meet in-person. We hope that we can eventually have that opportunity to do so, but it all depends on how Vancouver deals with COVID in these next few months. The safety and health of our dancers is our top priority right now, so until it is safer to do so we will be meeting online only.

What kind of equipment (shoes, clothes, etc.) do I need?

What you wear to rehearsals is really up to you and what you feel comfortable moving in! We would recommend wearing socks in rehearsals to aid with turns, floor work, and more. It also depends on the type of flooring you’ll be dancing on, so bear that in mind!

Is it all through zoom calls?

Yes! For our first rehearsal, we’ll have a Facebook event page set up with the Zoom link for you to access. Following Commitment Week (Oct. 10), we’ll be posting the weekly Zoom links in a private team Facebook group.

How do I join? What are the times and commitment like?

Just show up to our rehearsals! Our first one will be on September 26, and they’ll be every Saturday from 11am-2pm. Commitment Week will be October 10 and it’s important to show up to that rehearsal if you plan to become a member of the team for the entire term!

What are the plans for how you see the team going this year?

We plan to focus on technique and choreography this term. With no plans for a show at the end of the term, we’ll use that extra time to help our members build their technical skills in contemporary, lyrical, and jazz. In terms of choreography, the captains will teach their own combos weekly, but we also want to give our members a chance to showcase their original choreography with choreo challenges and improv challenges. Aside from dancing, we also hope to focus on mental health and wellness initiatives as it’s a common passion shared by the captains. Much of our plans for the term are also subject to change, so we can cater to the goals and needs of our members!

Audition-based Teams

General Questions:

Can I audition for more than one team? 

Of course! You are free to submit auditions to all teams. If you would like to audition for both divisions of DHCollective, please submit two separate audition forms.

Will I be permitted to join more than one audition-based team?

It is possible to become a team member of both DHi and DHCollective’s contemporary division; however, due to practice time collisions, it is not possible to be a team member of both DHi and DHCollective’s Hip-Hop Division, or on both divisions of DHCollective.


How can I audition for DHi?

Step 1: Fill out this form before September 26th at 11:59pm.

Step 2: An audition video will be sent out via email on September 26, and you will have one week to learn and record yourself performing the choreography. 

Step 3: Submit your video to us (ubcdhi1@gmail.com) by October 3.

Results from the auditions will be sent out the following week and our first rehearsal will be October 10th.

Will there be a performance? 

We are not planning on having any performances throughout the first term as COVID-19 restrictions are still in effect. If we are unable to perform in-person for the entire season, we plan on creating a concept video of our team performing a choreography or two and sharing it on our social media platforms.

Will you be teaching the combo or is it pre-recorded? 

Combos will be taught through a prerecorded video. Workshops will be live. We also plan to have live Zoom calls with our team members in order to get to know the team!

What’s the difference between DHi Hip-Hop and DHCollective Hip-Hop? 

DHi focuses on refining your learning process while exploring movement to find what feels best for you. We emphasize finding your individuality through dance, whereas DHCollective focuses on cleanliness, clarity, and unison in movement. We as co-leaders will also be teaching you essential techniques and foundations to improve your dancing, whereas in DHCollective you are expected to know and apply these skills. 

We have a recorded workshop available here if you would like to familiarize yourself with our style before auditioning!

How many people are you hoping to take? 

This year, DHi will be a team of 15-20 people.

How long is the season?

The team will be running from October to April.

When are you hoping to have practices? Are they all going to be live? How are they gonna be structured, generally? Or is it more focused on online homework, etc.?

Practice videos will be released on the weekends. They will be pre-recorded. The videos will include six segments: stretching, conditioning, grooving, freestyling, a combo and homework. The combo portion will include a tutorial as well as your co-leaders performing the piece. 

What is DHi’s main focus? Are you more concerned about foundations, choreo (performance and retention), or freestyle, etc?

Technique and improving your foundation are the main focus of DHi. Through improving your technique, you can hone your skills in choreo and freestyle. We will be working on essential skills and technique (textures, musicality, dynamics, etc) to help you improve. Choreo and freestyle will form the basis of the ‘homework exercises’ that we assign each week, where we want to see you apply the techniques you’ve learnt. 

Can I join from UBC Okanagan?

Yes! It would be the same as joining the team from another country. There are no academic/social boundaries that would stop you from joining us.

Is freestyle just Hip-Hop or can I incorporate other styles?

Freestyle comes in many shapes and styles, and we encourage you to freestyle in the style that makes you feel comfortable. That being said, be aware of the genre and vibe of the song that you are freestyling to. A flowy ballet freestyle would usually not fit with an aggressive Hip-Hop song, so incorporate styles that fit the song appropriately.

How much can I vary my interpretation of the dance (i.e. can we hit hard when it’s soft? Can we have a happy attitude when it’s a hype piece)? 

We’d love to see you interpret a dance differently because your style is unique to you. At first, when one of the co-leaders or a Collective member teaches a combo, we encourage team members to move the way that is intended (e.g. hitting harder for a certain move as specified by the teacher). Once the foundation is laid out, our team members will use that to explore their own movement and add their own flair. 


How can I audition for DHCollective?

Step 1: Fill out this form before September 26th at 11:59pm.

Step 2: An audition video will be sent out via email on September 26, and you will have one week to learn and record yourself performing the choreography. 

Step 3: Submit your video to us (dhcollectiveubc@gmail.com) by October 3.

If you would like to audition for both divisions, please submit two separate forms; please note, however, that practice times overlap and it is therefore not possible to be on both divisions this year.

Can I still join Collective if I’m not in Vancouver? 

Unfortunately no, since we will be having in-person practices.

Can I join Collective in the second semester if I’m only in Vancouver then?

As Collective is only taking a limited amount of people, we will prioritize those who are in Vancouver for the whole school year.

How is Collective going to be different from previous years?

Joint Practices: Collective is a cross-genre team and typically, members from both the contemporary and hip-hop division come together once a week for a joint practice. During this time, members explore new movements and work on choreography that incorporates a mix of both styles. However, due to the COVID-19 situation, Collective will not be having joint practices this year. 

Performances: We are expecting limited performance opportunities, at least for Term 1, so we will instead be working towards filming concept videos and possibly an online showcase.

Can I get a rundown of how things will work?

Collective members will focus on choreography, performance aspects, and overall, refining their dance abilities. Throughout the year, members will have opportunities to create choreography, teach, and learn from one another. We will work on creating unique pieces, experimenting with various styles and formations, and exploring new ideas as a team. 

How often are practices? When will practices be?

Practices are once a week for each division. Practices will be on Saturday for both divisions. Hip-Hop will be from 2-5pm, and contemporary will be from 1-4pm on UBC Campus.

What level of skill or years of experience are you looking for?

DHCollective members are typically at an intermediate to advanced level, with at least 2 years of dancing experience.

How many people is Collective recruiting? 

Due to the COVID-19 situation, both divisions of DHCollective will remain small this year.

What performances/competitions does Collective normally perform/compete at?

We normally look for various local opportunities both on and off campus, such as club events, fundraisers, etc. Every year, Dance Horizons has a mid-year show and year-end show where multiple groups perform, and typically that is something DHCollective always works towards. 

Is there anything extra that I should know? 

This year we are really emphasizing dancer and team growth in terms of choreography, improvisation, and team bonding especially for our concept videos.

Will people use masks during in-person practices? 

Yes, we will require the use of masks during practice. Those with medical conditions may be exempted, but please let us know ahead of time.